Catharanthus roseus Linn.G.Don

Primary Characteristics

Primary Characteristics

Catharanthus roseus Linn.G.Don is aslo known as Lochnera rosea Linn.Reichb, belongs to Apocynaceae, family.
The Arabic Name for this herb is Baizul Ghurab.
The English Names for this herb are Madagascar Periwinkle, Periwinkle.
The Urdu Names for this herb are Bhatar Bhuti, Hamesh Bahar, Sada Bahar.

Pharmacological Actions

The pharmacological Actions of Catharanthus roseus Linn.G.Don are Anti-bacterial, Anti-cancerous, Anti-diabetic, Anti-mitotic, Astringent, Deobstruent, Deprutive, Diuretic, Emmenagogue, Expectorant, Hypoglycemic, Hypotensive, Sedative.


  • Anti-mitotic

  • Leaves:
  • Anti-mitotic

  • Indications

    The Indication of Catharanthus roseus Linn.G.Don is Diabetes.

    The Indications of Flowers of Catharanthus roseus Linn.G.Don are Flatulence, Chest Complaints, Asthma, Sore Throat, Tumors, Hodgkins disease.

    The Indications of Leaves of Catharanthus roseus Linn.G.Don are Hodgkins disease, Tumors, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Chronic Constipation.

    The Indications of Root of Catharanthus roseus Linn.G.Don are Dysentery, Lumbago.

    The Indication of Leave Juice of Catharanthus roseus Linn.G.Don is Wasp Stings.

    The Indications of Leaves (paste) of Catharanthus roseus Linn.G.Don are Itching, Burning Condition of Skin.

    No Contra Indication information is available for Catharanthus roseus Linn.G.Don.


    The Temperaments of Catharanthus roseus Linn.G.Don are 1st order, dry, 2nd order, cold and warm.

    Available Brands

    No Brand information is available for Catharanthus roseus Linn.G.Don.

    Compound Preparations

    No Compound Preparation information is available for Catharanthus roseus Linn.G.Don.


    Whole HerbN/A
    Dried Leaves6.000g - 12.000gN/A
    Juice18.000g - 30.000gN/A
    Leave JuiceN/A

    Herb's Description

    Catharanthus roseus Linn.G.Don is a herb, 6 to 18 inches long, is evergreen, errect, and branched, which blooms from spring to fall. Perennial subshrub, woody at base, 30-60 cm tall, young branches pubescent. Leaves oblong or oblanceolate membranous, entire, shining green above, pale below. Inflorescence of axillary 1-4 flowered cymes. Flowers pink or white. Fruit a cylindrical follicle, many seeded
    Catharanthus roseus Linn.G.Don's Leaves, oblong or oblong-obovate, glossy, dark green in color, size is usually 2.5-9 cm long. Obtuse or rounded, slightly cuspidate, finely puberulent on both surfaces , midrib pale.Smooth-Textured.
    Catharanthus roseus Linn.G.Don's Flowers, pink, purple, red, salmon, white in color. Pedicels 1-2 mm long; calyx about 6 mm long; corolla-tube 2.5-3 cm long, lobes 1.5-2 cm long
    Catharanthus roseus Linn.G.Don's Fruit, size is usually 2-2.5 cm long. A fruit has many small black Cylindrical seeds."

    Taste Odor & Occurrence

    Occurence: It is native of Madagascar . Widely cultivated and naturalized in Tropics and Subtropics of both hemispheres.
    Taste: Bitter


    No information regarding Catharanthus roseus Linn.G.Don's substitute is currently available.

    Active Constituents

    Catharanthus roseus Linn.G.Don's Active constituents:


    No information regarding Catharanthus roseus Linn.G.Don's antidot is currently available.

    Warning & Precautions

    May produce burning sensation.


    Currently no Toxicity information is available for Catharanthus roseus Linn.G.Don. (work in progress)