Taxus baccata Linn

Primary Characteristics

Primary Characteristics

Taxus baccata Linn is aslo known as Taxus willichiana Zucc., belongs to Taxaceae, family.
The Arabic Names for this herb are Hadas, Shajar al Fashagh, Tanob, Zarnab.
The English Names for this herb are Common Yew, Himalayan Yew, Silver Fir.
The Urdu Names for this herb are Sarw-Turkistani, Talispatar.

Pharmacological Actions

The pharmacological Actions of Taxus baccata Linn are Abortifacient, Anti-rheumatic, Anti-spasmodic, Aphrodisiac, Appetite stimulant, Astringent, Carminative, Emmenagogue, Expectorant, Sedative, Stomach Tonic, Stomachic.


The Indications of Leaves of Taxus baccata Linn are Asthma, Epilepsy, Hysteria, Nervousness, Hiccough, Calculus complaints, Toothache, Bronchitis, Indigestion.

The Indications of Infusion of Taxus baccata Linn are Phthisis, Vesical Catarrh, Bronchial Spasm, Asthma.

The Indications of Young Shoots of Taxus baccata Linn are Giddiness, Faltering pulse, Coldness of extremities, General Prostration, Severe Biliousness, Headache, Diarrhoea.

The Indication of Fruit extract of Taxus baccata Linn is Chronic Bronchitis.

No Contra Indication information is available for Taxus baccata Linn.


The Temperament of Taxus baccata Linn is 2nd order, warm and dry.

Available Brands

No Brand information is available for Taxus baccata Linn.

Compound Preparations

No Compound Preparation information is available for Taxus baccata Linn.


Whole Herb1.000g - 3.000g

Herb's Description

Taxus baccata Linn. An ever green tree, usually 6 m or so in height. Bark reddish brown, thin and scaly. Leaves distichous, linear, with recurved margin, shining above, pale-yellow brown or rusty red below. Flowers usually dioecious; male strobili stalked, globose, female strobili solitary, axillary. Seeds borne in a scarlet fleshy cup

Taste Odor & Occurrence

Occurence: It occurs in Europe, North Africa, North America, North East Asia, Temperate East Asia, Temperate Himalayas, Upper Myanmar.
Odor: The odor of Taxus baccata Linn is Aromatic
Taste: Bitter


No information regarding Taxus baccata Linn's substitute is currently available.

Active Constituents

Taxus baccata Linn's Active constituents:


No information regarding Taxus baccata Linn's antidot is currently available.

Warning & Precautions

Regarded as harmful for individuals with warm temperament.


Currently no Toxicity information is available for Taxus baccata Linn. (work in progress)